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Blog post#6

Gender issues are always a subject that causes much controversy in society. Dependent, vulnerable, submisisive and tolerated are common adjectives which people use to describe women. However, over the course of history, due to the progress of humanity and society’s liberality, the relation between genders has changed in a positive way. Women nowsaday are more powerful. They are not just wives and mothers, but they are also doctors, lawyers, senators, and CEOs of popular companies. This has not occured just in the United States, but in many places all over the world, including Puerto Rico, which is an unincorporated territory of the United States since 1898 (“Puerto Rico History”). The envolvement of Puerto Rican women since the nineteenth- century can be considered as a typical instance .  It was an arduous and challenging process for women who were first defined as domestic servants, but evolved into productive members of the middle working-class and achieved leadership positions in

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